Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is a 2022 Japanese computer-animated martial arts fantasy/adventure film, directed by Tetsuro Kodama, produced by Toei Animation and written by Dragon Ball series creator Akira Toriyama.
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is a 2022 Japanese computer-animated martial arts fantasy/adventure film, directed by Tetsuro Kodama, produced by Toei Animation and written by Dragon Ball series creator Akira Toriyama.
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is a 2022 Japanese computer-animated martial arts fantasy/adventure film, directed by Tetsuro Kodama, produced by Toei Animation and written by Dragon Ball series creator Akira Toriyama.
Tickets | General Seating, VIP Seating, Kids & Seniors |
Showtimes | 9/11 5:50 pm, 9/11 7:55 pm, 9/12 3:45 pm, 9/12 5:50 pm, 9/12 7:55 pm, 9/13 3:45 pm, 9/13 5:50 pm, 9/13 7:55 pm, 9/14 3:45 pm, 9/14 5:50 pm, 9/14 7:55 pm, 9/15 3:45 pm, 9/15 5:50 pm, 9/15 7:55 pm, 9/16 3:00 pm, 9/16 5:05 pm, 9/16 7:10 pm, 9/17 3:00 pm, 9/17 5:05 pm, 9/17 7:10 pm, 9/18 3:00 pm, 9/18 5:05 pm, 9/18 7:10 pm, 9/19 3:00 pm, 9/19 5:05 pm, 9/19 7:10 pm, 9/20 3:00 pm, 9/20 5:05 pm, 9/20 7:10 pm, 9/21 3:00 pm, 9/21 5:05 pm, 9/21 7:10 pm, 9/22 3:00 pm, 9/22 5:05 pm, 9/22 7:10 pm |
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